We are founders and CEO’s who have successfully raised funds and built companies.
We now want to focus that experience to help you!
    We have organized and simplified this successful    fundraising process and we hope to save you from some    of the hiccups we ran into along the road and get you       there much quicker than it took us. The founder that is          struggling to raise funds for his or her early stage       startup or idea has a ton of work ahead of them.    Founders Flourish is here to lighten that load. It takes a    village and a wealth of knowledge to raise capital and ultimately get Investors to take the risk of writing a check. The first check into an early company is the riskiest investment because at that point the business has not really been proven that it can succeed. Your story needs to be compelling!

We can get you there but you must be coachable. We have seen many startups fail and die, not because the idea sucked or the founder gave up but because the founder and CEO was un-coachable and unwilling to think outside the box and accept constructive feedback. When you stop learning from others experiences or from your own, your growth becomes stunted. We want to nourish your super powers and help you as a founder flourish

Contact Us

Reach out to us, We Don't Bite!

We understand very well what it’s like to be a founder raising funds with little runway and needing an investment to grow. It’s a critical time in your journey. Feel free to email us or call us with any specific concerns. Please attach your data along with the contact form to get started today! Your time is valuable, and we will make sure to get back to you as soon as we can.

Team FF